Washington State Military & Defense Contracts
Economic Modeling Data ToolEconomic Forecasting Tool
The Washington Military & Defense Supply Chain Modeling Tool is the culmination of the Assessment and Forecasting work of the Defense Industry Adjustment Program. This tool is designed to facilitate better informed forecasts forĀ local economic development organizations. It also serves to provide an overview of the defense industry in Washington, creating opportunities for private industry and the public sector alike.
- Direct Impacts
- Indirect Impacts
- Induced Impacts
This tool does not include DOD active duty or civilian personnel. The impacts modeled areĀ solely defense contracts.
Economic Impact Scenarios
The site allows for custom impact scenarios that model changes in economic outcomes resulting from increases or decreases in defense contract spending. Potential effects can be seen down to the county or industry level. The tool pulls data primarily from award and assistance contract data from USASpending.gov.
Customized Criteria
Site users can create customized impact scenarios by adjusting spending specific to industries, defense programs, and military bases statewide. Individual contracts can also be selected for inclusion or exclusion, giving the user ultimate control over their scenario.
Helping Decision Makers
This modeling tool will help Washington’s policymakers, economic developers and businesses evaluate and better prepare for fluctuations in defense spending before those fluctuations occur. As an industry that generates billions of dollars statewide, understanding the economic impact of defense spending across local, state and national supply chains will help governments and private sector leaders make better informed decisions.