Finding & Planning a Solution
Defense Industry Adjustment ProgramState Analysis – Complete
This first task in Finding and Planning a Solution is State Analysis. It will focus on the state’s current capacity to understand, plan for and support implementation of a statewide military and defense economic diversification strategy, as well as the state’s capacity to conduct targeted workforce transition support of defense related contract employees to other sectors of the economy.
Operation Military Family
Operation Military Family will be working with the state, its industry and workforce partners to understand the processes currently in place to respond to military and defense spending shifts and identifying and suggesting how to address gaps in the state’s capacity to respond to such changes.
The primary focus of this activity will be to create and test a viable economic diversification strategy specific to the defense manufacturing supply chain in Washington through six companies. Based on the successful results of the pilot, this section will also result in a strategy to implement the successful model to the broader supply chain.
Impact Washington
Impact Washington will be conducting this pilot program with six Washington defense manufacturing companies, and developing a model and best practices for a successful diversification strategy.
Defense Services Supply Chain Pilot Program
This pilot program will be similar to the manufacturing pilot, but will create and test a viable economic diversification strategy specific to the defense services supply chain in Washington through six companies. Based on the successful results of the pilot, this section will also result in a strategy to implement the successful model to the broader supply chain.
TIP Strategies
TIP Strategies will be conducting this pilot program with six Washington defense services companies, and developing a model and best practices for a successful diversification strategy.