

Whether you are an established defense contractor, brand new to the federal market place, or somewhere in between, conducting ongoing market research is a critical component of succeeding in government contracting. The resources listed here can help you build a leads list of agencies and/or prime contractors you should be building relationships with, learn who your competitors or potential teaming partners are, gather information about previously awarded contracts, and develop an understanding of how your potential customer procures your product or service.


Identify NAICS, or North American Industry Classification, codes that define the products or services your company provides. View the searchable list here. NAICS codes are required when registering as a federal contractor in the System for Award Management, and they help narrow your search for contracting opportunities.

Federal Spending

Use these sites to understand how federal agencies procure specific products and services. The information provided on these sites can help you build a list of agencies or primes you’d like to work with, along with possible teaming partners, competitors and information about current contracts.

  • Search usapending.gov for information on federal spending. Learn which agencies are buying which products and services, and which companies are receiving contracts. You can also search by a specific company’s DUNS number to view a list of contracts that have been awarded to a specific company, or search by NAICS codes and keywords. This information is helpful in building a leads list of agencies and prime contractors to market to and build relationships with.
  • Federal Procurement Data Systems allows you to search for federal contracts that have been awarded, and then export data to Excel.
  • Procurement Forecasts lists buying forecasts for many federal agencies.
  • Contracts Awarded by the Dept. of Defense announces DOD procurements greater than $5 million on a daily basis. Use the site to identify subcontracting opportunities or competitors.
  • The US General Services Administration Multiple Award Schedule provides federal agencies with products and services. Visit this site to learn if your products and services are procured through this contracting vehicle. Access solicitations and apply to be on a Multiple Award Schedule Program. Contact us for more information on eligibility and how to submit an offer.

Need Assistance?

Call or email us for help understanding how federal contracting can serve your business.
Phone: 206-256-6109 or
Email: Stephanie.Scott@Commerce.wa.gov
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