Conduct market research to identify successful government primes with potential subcontracting opportunities. If you run a small business, identify and contact their Small Business Liaisons and provide your Capability Statement.
- Contracts Awarded by the Dept. of Defense: Daily announcement of DOD procurements over $5 million. Use to identify subcontracting opportunities or competitors.
- Sub-Net: postings of subcontracting opportunities by prime contractors
- Local subcontracting opportunities: http://washingtonptac.org/category/contracting-opportunity/
We frequently find that many successful Washington State defense contractors are only doing business with a limited number of buying commands, organizations, or units due to geographical proximity or relationships with personnel. To ensure that your business has identified all of your potential target agencies and/or prime contractors, be sure to conduct ongoing market research, set up search agents on the appropriate contract notification sites, and contact us for a discussion on strategic market research!
Diversifying beyond Defense
Leverage your status as a defense contractor to pursue work with other federal agencies. Conduct ongoing market research, set up search agents on the appropriate contract notification sites, and contact us for a discussion on strategic market research!
Foreign Military Sales
Defense Security Cooperation Agency video guide to business participation in foreign military sales.
Many foreign military sales opportunities are posted on www.fbo.gov, see Market Research for more information.
Trade & Export
Export Assistance: Commerce fields a team of experts who can help you get into exports or expand into new markets worldwide. Services include technical assistance, research, matchmaking, trade shows and trade missions to key markets around the globe. See additional resources on the linked page under “Export Resources.”
Export Voucher Program: Qualifying small businesses in Washington State can be reimbursed up to $5,000 for export-related activities, including trade show and trade mission fees, travel, interpreter and translation services, training, international certifications and more.
WSBDC Export Readiness Center: This SBA funded program is located in Seattle and Spokane and can assist with one-on-one no cost and confidential export advice for your business.
Commercial Contracting
Key Sectors Bring Focus to High Growth Industries
Focusing on the aerospace, agriculture/food manufacturing, clean technology, information and communication technology, forest products, life science/global health, maritime, and military/defense sectors, Commerce’s Sector Leads work closely with the governor, industry and government leaders to forge and promote public-private partnerships, enhance the workforce for the 21st century in targeted, high-growth industries, and advance broad stroke strategies that support small business growth and expansion statewide.
Aerospace Sector
John Thornquist
Director, Office of Aerospace
Phone: 206-256-6103
Agriculture and Food Manufacturing Sector
Clean Technology Sector
Brian Young
Clean Technology Sector Lead
Phone: 206-256-6129
Forest Products Sector
Brian Hatfield
Forest Products Sector Lead & Rural Economic Development Advisor
Phone: 360-819-2936
Information & Communication Technology Sector
Dr. Joseph Williams
Director of Economic Development for the Information and Communication Technology Sector
Phone: 206-256-6118
Life Science & Global Health
Maura Little
Life Science Sector Lead
Phone: 206-256-6107Maura Little
Maritime Sector
Joshua Berger
Maritime Sector Lead
Phone: 206-256-6104
Military and Defense Sector
Kristiné M. Reeves
Military & Defense Sector Lead
Phone: 206-256-6105